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Farm Fresh "Green" Sod!

Tahoma 31

Tahoma 31 Bermudagrass Logo

Tahoma 31 Bermudagrass

Water Saving, Cold Hardy Grass for Colorado

Fast Delivery Service | Farm Fresh "Green" Sod! | Se Habla Español

Fast Delivery Service

Farm Fresh "Green" Sod!

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Tahoma 31 Bermudagrass Logo

The Right Grass for Colorado

Grass that saves water. Low-maintenance lawns. Sports fields that stand up to wear. Golf courses that deliver playability and beauty. Tahoma 31 bermudagrass is the right grass for Colorado.

Colorado Lawn

Your Colorado Lawn Deserves Tahoma 31

Less water, less mowing, less maintenance. All the benefits of warm-season grass in the only bermudagrass variety cold hardy enough for Colorado’s climate. Tahoma 31 Bermuda offers unparalleled beauty and a yard where your kids and dogs will love to go outside and play. Plus, curb appeal that makes your neighbors sit up and take notice.


Trusted by the Pros, Colleges & Your Neighborhood Sports Teams

World-renowned sporting venues such as Churchill Downs, and NFL teams like the Indianapolis Colts, Cincinnati Bengals, and Tennessee Titans trust us to grow, harvest, and install Tahoma 31 on their sports fields. Let NoCo Sod do the same for your team, park, or school’s athletic facilities. Two-time winner of the Sports Turf Managers Association’s Field of the Year, Tahoma 31 creates a dense playing surface for sure-footed, durable, wear-tolerant sports, including football, soccer, baseball, rugby and more.

The Battlefield at Shangri-La in Oklahoma

Golf Course Renovations & New Golf Construction

Golf courses worldwide switch to Tahoma 31 for its color, density, sustainability, and playability. From ease of grow-in to ease of daily maintenance, Tahoma 31 requires less water, and less fertilizer and tolerates mowing heights from 0.125 to 2 inches. Suitable for planting on tees, fairways, collars, approaches, rough, driving ranges, and in some cases, even greens. For flexibility and durability, Tahoma 31 checks every box. 

Low Water Use

Low Water Use

Uses 60% less water than Kentucky bluegrass

Drought Resistant

Drought Resistant

May survive up to 2 - 3 months without water, once established

Cold Tolerant

Cold Tolerant

Ranked #1. The World’s Most Cold Hardy Bermudagrass

Salt Tolerant

Salt Tolerant

Ranked #1 bermudagrass for salinity response

Shade Tolerant

Shade Tolerant

Ranked #1 for bermudagrass shade tolerance

Early Spring Green-up

Early Spring Green-up

Ranked #1. Greens up faster than other bermudagrasses

Wear Tolerant

Wear Tolerant

Ranked #1. Grows in fast, heals quick from sports-related damage



Grows in a variety of soils & climates

NoCo Sod - We Are The Tahoma 31 Experts

in Production

With farms in Colorado, Indiana, and Kentucky, NoCo Sod, and our sister company, Grassmasters, now have more than 5 Million Square Feet of Tahoma 31 in Production!

Facilities With Tahoma 31


Spec Sheet
Research Charts
Maintenance Tips

Colorado Homeowners! Switch to Tahoma 31 & Get Paid

A growing number of Colorado water systems and utilities pay homeowners, some up to $2,000, to remove cool-season lawns and replace them with water-saving Tahoma 31. Call us to learn if your water system has a similar program.

Centennial - logo
Fort Collins - logo

Our Services

  • What is turfgrass sod?

    Our Tahoma 31 turfgrass sod is grown on our sod farm and harvested utilizing a piece of equipment that slides into the soil and lifts both roots and green grass blades in a solid slab of grass. That grass is then rolled into a cylinder and delivered to your home or job site ready to plant.

  • Why should I plant Tahoma 31 sod?

    When you plant Tahoma 31 turfgrass sod, it creates an instant lawn. Just prep the soil, lay out the sod in sections with the seams tightly butted up together fill all gaps, and water it in. No need to wait for it to grow like a seed. In fact, Tahoma 31 does not grow from seed at all. Tahoma 31 is a clonal, vegetative variety. The only way to grow it is from sod or sprigs.

  • What is sprigging?

    Sprigging is the practice of digging live grass plants from the soil at our sod farm, from root to blade and crumbling them into small pieces. Those live sprigs contain whole turfgrass plants. The sprigs are quickly transported to a job site and planted into the native soil that has been specifically prepared to receive sprigs. The sprigs are planted or cut into the soil, irrigated, fertilized, and allowed time to grow together to form a uniform swath of turf. Sprigs are generally planted during the growing season (spring and summer in Colorado) to give the grass plant ample time to mature before the first frost.

  • What kinds of projects should be planted with turfgrass sprigs?

    Large projects such as golf courses, sports fields, and parks may consider planting sprigs because it is possible to plant a wide area with less grass material. Therefore, sprigging is a smaller investment than sod. However, enough time must be dedicated to allowing the sprigs to grow. A sports field that needs to be played 10 days after planting probably will not be a candidate for sprigging as sodding creates an instant playing surface. That said, projects with a six-to-eight-week lead time may consider sprigging as an economical, viable option.

  • What makes NoCo Sod’s sprigging system better?

    We have sprigged thousands of acres of sprigs over the history of our family of companies. Over that time, we have developed proprietary sprigging equipment that offers specialized benefits. 

    Our broadcast sprigging equipment spreads live sprigs over clean soil. This is best used for newly established turfgrass areas or facilities where the existing turf has been eradicated.

    We also offer no-til, row planting, and sprigging services. This sprigging method is commonly performed on existing golf courses and sports fields where the new grass will be cut into an existing stand of turf and given time to overtake the old, weaker turf. By sprigging an aggressive warm-season variety such as Tahoma 31 into an existing stand of cool-season grass, over time the Tahoma 31 will choke out the old turf to create a uniform stand of new grass. 

  • We deliver sod and sprigs

    You want it? You got it! At NoCo Sod, we prioritize our customers’ time and value your convenience. That’s why we deliver to homes and job sites throughout Northern Colorado. No order size is too small. No minimum order.

Learn More About

NoCo Sod

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