Farm Fresh "Green" Sod!
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Farm Fresh "Green" Sod!
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Listed below are the questions asked most frequently by our customers. We hope this list is complete enough to answer your questions, but feel free to contact us using the information below if you'd like to know anything else. We are experts in our field! View our other locations.
The first thing you will want to do is plan where you want landscape beds, if you choose to have them, and mark those areas. Then measure the area and multiply the length times the width to get the total square footage of your lawn area. It's always a good idea to add a little (maybe 5%) to your order to allow for any irregular areas or error in estimating. NoCo Sod also offers free estimates and can measure your yard for you. Just call our office at (970) 355-7907, Monday through Friday 7am CST to 4pm CST to request an estimate.
Proper soil preparation is one of the most critical steps in the sod installation process. How well your soil is prepped will determine how well your sod takes and how good your sod looks. For a good, sturdy house you need to have a strong, sturdy foundation. It is the same for your lawn. How well your sod looks will be determined by the soil on which it is layed. If you have ever layed linoleum in your home, you know how just a pebble would leave an unattractive lump in your floor. With sod, a clump of dirt can do the same.
Begin by removing all existing plant growth, rocks, sticks, or any other debris. Then, if necessary, rought grade the area to eliminate any drainage problems. Next, till your soil to a depth of 4"-6" and add any topsoil or soil amendments if needed. It is beneficial to have your soil tested to determine if any pH correcting materials are required for optimum quality of turf. You can also apply a "starter fertilizer" if you choose, but please rake it into the top 3"-4" of soil to prevent damage to the roots. Prior to installation of sod, roll the area to firm the soil and fill in any low spots discovered.
For more information about soil preparation, visit the Turfgrass Producers International resouces center.
Call our office at (970) 355-7907, Monday through Friday 7am CST to 4pm CST 3-4 days prior to requested delivery or installation date to order. If you choose to pick up your sod from our farm, you only need to call 24 hours in advance.
Many do choose to install sod themselves, and if you can remember "green side up," you have a good chance at being very successful at it. But because turfgrass sod can be heavy (20 lbs.- 40 lbs. per roll depending on moisture content of soil), you may want to enroll the help of a few friends to help.
It is vitally important that your sod be installed IMMEDIATELY upon delivery. Sod is a living plant and unlike plants you would normally buy at a garden center, sod has no pot full of soil from which absorb moisture and nutrients necessary for plant life. Protect unlaid sod in hot weather by placing it in a shaded area, covering it with a moist burlap sacking, or by sprinkling it with water.
Begin laying along a straight edge, like a sidewalk or driveway. Butt and push edges up against each other tightly without stretching, avoid gaps and overlays. Stagger the seams in a brick-like fashion. To trim edges to fit along landscape beds or other areas, a utility knife or other sharp knife works best. Avoid laying small pieces along the outer edges as they will have difficulty maintaining proper moisture. If laying sod on a slope, lay pieces perpendicular to the slope instead of up and down. Avoid walking or kneeling on the sod while installing to prevent any indentations or air pockets. After installation begin watering IMMEDIATELY.
Immediately upon installation, apply at least 1 inch of water. Water daily at least once, keeping the ground beneath the sod moist, until sod is firmly rooted. More frequent watering may be needed depending upon the weather conditions. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day to prevent fungal growth. Also, avoid over watering as this may deprive roots of oxygen and retard development or possibly even kill the lawn. After sod is firmly rooted, less frequent deeper waterings should begin to promote deep root growth. See the watering section on the web page for your variety of turf for details on watering.